One of my two mosquito-fish is thought to be a female, flush with unborn young. I've heard that a mosquito-fish can hold off on releasing her hatch until she feels safe. I have also heard, that much like guppies, mosquito-fish will eat their young.
My fish have moved from Phinizy Swamp to a tank populated with turtle, then to a water bottle and now to a somewhat larger jar that sits on my nightstand. I have separated the fish into two containers, I have put them back together. I have given them stuff to hide around and under. And I have done my level best to persuade the cat not to eat them.
In their current accommodations, it would be fairly easy for the lady fish to birth babies and then, with the help of her friend, to dine on them like popcorn. That fishy behavior never bothered me when I was a child and the guppies would eat their babies while I was at school. But these fish I feel different about. I'd like their young to come safely into the world and live long enough to take out a few hundred mosquitoes before a raccoon, cat or even Mama Fish provides them with their own joy ride to heaven.
So wait, or don't wait, to have your young,
mother mosquito-fish. But please don't eat them--that's something a guppy would do, and you are much more important than a guppy.
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